Slide HADEV Read more Haiti Development Organization (HADEV) is a candite to a non-profit 501C-3 and a non- governmental entity under the "Haitian-American Development, Inc" created in 2018 by a group of Haitian descents who were born, raised and educated abroad and whose dream is to put Haiti in a real road toward a real development and opportunities. Haiti Development Organization
About Us

Purpose of HADEV

The first step is to help Haiti grows and consumes their local healthy products to eliminate or significantly reduce hunger of 4.3 million Haitians from starvation and food insecurity. This year 2023, we plan to raise funds to purchase 4 million pounds of corns seeds, crops and organic fertilizer to so that:

  1. Young Haitians in Haiti won’t be no longer contemplating the possibility to risk their lives in taking small vessels or canoes to cross the Caribbean Sea to go to the United States or other surrounding countries. (Proof of that will come later).

  2. We create opportunities for the Haitian Growers to produce enough food to support the population,
    Together, we can do it.
Ugly Reality

​We have to and we must stop these very inhuman things in Haiti

Horrible State Hospital in Haiti

We believe our new generation of Haitians and their descents can change every one of the these very ugly reality

A child in Haiti is eating dirt to cope with hunger

We believe our new generation of Haitians and their descents can change every one of the these very ugly reality

No Existing Basic Infrastructure in Haiti

We believe our new generation of Haitians and their descents can change every one of the these very ugly reality

Our Strategic Development and Approach

Our aim is to recruit at least 15,000 to 25,000 young Haitian descents who were born or raised, educated and formed outside of Haiti and who have not been part of the Haitian government.  They will start as volunteers and can be later converted to consultants or full-time employees as needed and upon approved by the Senior Management Team of the Organization. They expertise can be:

Medical Doctors, PhDs, Lawyers, Economists, Private Investigators, Chemists, Paralegals, Nurses, Engineers, Business Managers, Program Managers, Project Managers, Linguists, Translators, Veterinarians, Computer Engineers, Computer Technicians, Programmers, Business Analysts, System Engineers, Quality Managers, Quality Engineers,  Quality Auditors, Financial Auditors, Scientists, Ex-Militaries, Ex-Police Officers, Office Managers, Nursing Aides, House Keeping, Teachers, Professors, Data Entry, Journey Men, Electricians, Plumbing, Financiers, Mechanics, Computer Repairs,  Plumbers, Technicians and any other trades that can be useful to achieve our goals.


They will participate and/or assist in the planning, execution, verification and control of the projects. They would be divided in full-time employees, part-time employees /contractors or 100% volunteers.   Each volunteer would sign for 5-10 hours per month whether their respective assignment(s) is/are physically located in Haiti or not. There will be plenty of opportunities to perform work remotely as well.


However, the management team of HADEV is prepared to handle as many as 100,000 volunteers based of surveys and interviews of young Haitians, their close friends and young supporters of Haiti  ready to be embarked in a journey toward a real development of Haiti and play a major part to cure or significantly reduce corruption, bribery, kickbacks and injustice in are plaguing the country

List of Projects to be completed immediately in each Department

Haiti Development Organization

Why Choose Us

Our candle scents come from our own favorite scents as well as client requests.
We enjoy our candles and want the same for our clients.

Our Vision

Put Haiti in a frame toward a real road to development by taking small but consistent and precise steps toward our ultimate goals. 

Our belief and Values

We believe our new generation of Haitians and their descents can change every one of the these very ugly reality


Establish the organization as a tool and the pillar on which the frame and format for the development.